We help the people of Zhitomir in Ukraine
Publish date: 27 January 2023
Disruptions in the manufacture of basic goods, problems with water, heat and electricity supply – these are the main problems of the Ukrainian economy caused by the ongoing war. Since the first days of the Russian attack on Ukraine the VECTOR GROUP FOUNDATION BE ABLE TO HELP has been supporting our eastern neighbours. Yet before the New Year, we donated a dozen power generators to Zhitomir, the partner city of Gdynia.
Ukraine has been defending its independence for almost a year now.
– The destruction of critical infrastructure, but also direct attacks on civilians make life in the country a struggle for survival. Especially now, in winter. That is why we decided to join the aid transport to Zhitomir, says Marta Kajut, representative of the BE ABLE TO HELP FOUNDATION.

Back in December, three pallets of equipment, a total of 18 power generators, made their way to the town located about 130 kilometres from Kiev. This would facilitate the production of electricity to meet the needs of the Zhitomir community suffering from the effects of military actions.
– Some of them left Ukraine as soon as the shooting started, but those who stayed are in a very difficult situation. My sister lives in Zhitomir and my parents also stayed in Ukraine. Power supply problems are extensive. There are emergency shut downs, says Tetiana Hyzhko, a member of the VECTOR team from Zhitomir.
The power generators found their way to, among other places, hospitals and generally accessible places helping the citizens, the so called ‘Indomitability points’. Those are places where residents may use the internet, mobile communications and electricity, and charge their most necessary devices.

– It is unimaginable to talk about the lack of water, electricity or light in the 21st century. But the reality during war is terrible. This is why the aid is of great importance for us, says Tetiana Kalashnykova, who joined VECTOR BLUE HUB, one of the VECTOR GROUP companies after the start of military operations.
The campaign was organized by the City of Gdynia in cooperation with the following companies and organizations: In Gremio, Kolibki Adventure Park, OPEC Gdynia and VECTOR Group.
Since the first day of the Russian invasion on Ukraine, the BE ABLE TO HELP FOUNDATION has been organizing aid campaigns. Two thousand pieces of technical equipment were sent to Ukraine from VECTOR Group for the reconstruction of the destroyed telecommunications infrastructure. We also coordinated the arrangement of an apartment made available by VECTOR.

– We are proud of the large initiatives we have undertaken, yet at the beginning, just like everyone else, we focused on particular points, supporting fundraisers, refugees arriving at our immediate neighbourhood, joining our company as employees. We also directed our support to the youngest with refugee experience. At that time in particular, a lot was possible owing to our team – it was VECTOR Group employees who made offers of help, adds Marta Kajut.
We are not slowing down, we are monitoring the situation and we continue to support the citizens of Ukraine. This year, we are also planning further actions to help children and teenagers.